PerformancePoint 2010 Dashboard Designer – ‘An unexpected system error has occurred’ when adding a data connection

16 04 2010

Whilst trying to setup a PerformancePoint 2010 dashboard on my SharePoint 2010 boot to vhd environment today I received this error message – ‘An unexpected system error has occured’…’ when adding a data connection in the Dashboard Designer.

A couple of Google searches didn’t turn up much but did point me towards the ‘Secure Store Service’ – this can be found in Central Administration > Manage Service Applications.

The service was started but when I tried to manage the service I received another error stating that the service was not responding!

It was then that I realised – the environment in question did not contain the pre-requisite WCF hotfix which is required for SharePoint 2010 to install on Windows Server 2008 R2. This machine had actually been been upgraded from Windows Server 2008 x64 to Server 2008 R2 x64 (this was the SharePoint Information Worker VHD) therefore the hotfix did not exist.

I was worried I would have to re-install SharePoint after installing the hotfix but it turns out you don’t need to, just follow the steps below –

  1. Download the Windows Server 2008 R2 WCF hotfix (there are two versions of this patch and the latest is version 2 – ‘Windows6.1-KB976462-v2-x64.msu’), get it from here – KB976462
  2. Install the hotfix and reboot the machine
  3. Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies configuration wizard – PSCONFIG
  4. Proceed through the wizard and it will upgrade your SharePoint farm
  5. Check in Central Administration and you should now be able to successfully manage the ‘Secure Store Service’ and Dashboard Designer should work!!

Hope this helps 🙂

SharePoint Feature Receiver Error ‘The EXECUTE permission was denied…’

15 03 2010

I got this error this morning when trying to activate a web feature in a site collection. It turns out that this is because the application pool running the web application (in my case ‘Network Service’) does not have the required permissions to run some SharePoint SQL stored procedures within the configuration database.

In order to fix this error you will need to give the application pool database role WSS_Content_Application_Pools ‘Execute’ rights on the following stored procedures:

  1. proc_PutObject
  2. proc_putClass
  3. proc_dropObject
  4. proc_getNewObjects

Once you have granted this role the correct permissions you will be able to activate the feature/perform the operation you were attempting before.

Hope this helps!

Applying SharePoint theme ‘Write error on file “/_themes/yourtheme” error

6 01 2010

I recently went to apply a custom SharePoint theme and was presented with the unhelpful error message above.

It turns out that the reason for this error is that SharePoint has encountered an unknown file that it cannot read from in the themes’ directory.

Navigation to your custom theme directory  – [Systemdrive]\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\THEMES\yourtheme and delete the rogue file.

In my case it was the windows generated ‘thumbs.db’ thumbnail database in the folder that was causing the problem. If you have used an editor to edit any of your theme files then you may possibly have some temp files in the directory which need deleting.

If like me it was the ‘thumbs.db’ file then be sure to disable thumbnail caching for the folder. To do this click Tools in windows explorer then select Folder Options > View, look for the checkbox entitled ‘Do not cache thumbnails’ and click it.

Hope this helps 🙂

Opening InfoPath form in SharePoint ‘Requested registry access is not allowed’

8 12 2009

This is another gotcha that I’ve run into today – when I went to publish an InfoPath form to my SharePoint site I spotted an error in the design checker ‘Invalid Form Template’. I ignored the error and carried on but when I tried to create a new form based on the template in the document library, I received the following error –

Requested registry access is not allowed. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowSecurityException(ExceptionResource resource) at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable) at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name) at Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(String keyName, String valueName, Object defaultValue) at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.Runtime.FormServer.<>c__DisplayClass1.b__0

I did some research and came accross this blog post from Joel Oleson (@joeloleson) which helped me fix the problem –

The steps I took to fix the error were slightly different from Joel’s (see below) but his blog post helped to point out the registry keys on which the access was failing.

The application pool account for my SharePoint web application was running as ‘Network Service’, I did try and add this account to the ‘Distributed Com Users’ group but this did not fix the problem.

Initially I changed the application pool account for the web application to a domain account and this fixed the problem, then I changed it back to Network Service and gave that built in account read permission on the registry key –


and that also worked! So there are two options in case anyone runs into the same problem.

Hope this helps 🙂

Powershell scripts for SharePoint 2010 services – ‘Stop & Start’

26 11 2009

We all now know that SharePoint 2010 is resource intensive, especially intensive with its ram usage.

I originally installed full blown SharePoint 2010 on my laptop (which has 4gb of ram) only to see most of that ram being used up and none left for visual studio to run.

I would recommend anyone who wants to install it on their workstation that only has 4gb of ram to install SharePoint Foundation instead which needs much less ram and will be fine for simple SharePoint 2010 dev or just playing around.

After I had installed it on my workstation I went on a search of some powershell scripts that I could use to stop SharePoint’s services when its not in use and start them up when needed.

It turns out Emmanuel Bergerat had created some and posted them on his blog, see here –

Thanks Emmanuel!

I have modified these scripts to work with SharePoint Foundation instead of full SharePoint Server 2010.

You can find the scripts on my SkyDrive – link at the bottom of the post.

To get them to work you will need to open them and edit the line –


You need to change the name of the SQL Service (in my case MSSQL$SHAREPOINT) to the name matching yours. This name will depend on what your SQL instance is called, if you install SharePoint ‘standalone’ then it will most likely be the same as mine.

Run the scripts in the following order –

1. ‘Manual.ps1’ – Sets services to manual startup (Only need to run this once)

2. ‘Start.ps1’ – Starts SQL & SharePoint Foundation services

3. ‘Stop.ps1’ – Stops SQL & SharePoint Foundation services

Hope this helps! 🙂


Link: SharePoint Foundation Powershell Scripts

How to: Install SharePoint 2010 ‘Standalone’ on Windows 7

23 11 2009

SharePoint 2010 Logo Since getting my hands on the Beta 2 version of SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint foundation I’ve read countless guides and blog posts about how to install it on Windows 7.

The problem is finding one that gives you the correct install procedure and this often means trawling through the comments to see if it is a reliable source. Because of this I’ve decided to post my own tutorial of the steps I used to create a reliable and fully functional SharePoint 2010 environment on a single machine (client OS).

Keep in mind that this blog post only walks through installing SharePoint 2010 in ‘Standalone’ mode (aka default configuration). This does not give you as much flexibility nor does it replicate a server farm environment. But this does work well for small dev work or to simply play around with SharePoint 2010.

*RAM Requirements: Be aware that if you are planning to install SharePoint Server 2010 you will need a lot of RAM. The recommended minimum from Microsoft is 6GB. SharePoint 2010 will install on a machine with 4GB of RAM but this will not be enough for a development environment.*

1. Install the Pre-Requisites for your operating system listed in the following MSDN guide –

2. Install the ‘WCF Hotfix’ (KB976462) for Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 which is available here –

3. Extract the SharePoint installation (.exe) that you downloaded, you can do this by typing at the command line the following –

c:\SharePoint\SharePoint2010.exe /extract:c:\Temp

4. Next we need to edit an xml file and add an attribute that will allow you to install SharePoint on a workstation OS. If you try and run the setup without performing this step then it will display an error message that the OS is not supported.

SharePoint 2010 Setup Error

Open the ‘config.xml file located at ‘c:\Temp\files\Setup\config.xml’ (where Temp is the folder that contains your extracted files from above).

Add the following line inside the <configuration> tag:

<Setting Id="AllowWindowsClientInstall" Value="True"/>

Save and close the file.

5. Run the SharePoint 2010 setup (setup.exe).

6. When asked what type of installation you wish to perform select ‘Standalone’. This will install an instance of SQL Express and the default configuration. This will allow you to use local windows accounts.

SharePoint 2010 Installation Type


7. Once the wizard has completed it will prompt you to run the ‘SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard’ (aka Psconfig). Do Not run the wizard and exit.

8. Install SQL Server 2008 cumulative update package 2 –


9. When the above update has finished installing, execute the ‘SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard’. Ignore the warning telling you that installing SharePoint 2010 on Windows 7 or Vista is unsupported. You also need to click ‘OK’ to the message explaining that IIS will be reset as part of the installation.



The wizard will now configure SharePoint 2010 so you can sit back and relax! (Hopefully this step goes smoothly and you don’t see any errors).

10. When the wizard is complete, click ‘Finish’. An IE window should now popup and display a SharePoint page asking you to select the template you would like for your first SharePoint 2010 site collection.

SharePoint 2010 Central Administration

11. Success – the installation is now complete and you have a full working copy of SharePoint 2010 Beta! 🙂

SharePoint 2010 & FIMSyncronizationService Problems

19 11 2009

**Updated 23/11/2009

Jeremy Thake (@jthake) advised me that this service is required for the ‘User Profiles Synchronization Service’ in SP2010 and that if you disable it then this won’t work. Decide whether you are going to need this feature before you disable this. I am not sure why it slows down the OS so much when booting up.


I recently installed the betas of SharePoint Foundation 2010  on top of Windows 7 and full SharePoint Server 2010 on to Server 2008 R2. One problem I found is that after you have rebooted the machine a couple of times it becomes very slow to startup.

At first I thought it was just because I was running SP2010 on a machine with only 4gb of ram and that was just the nature of the beast. When I opened Task Manager though it told a different story – the service ‘FIMSyncronizationService (Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service)’ was still trying to start and slowing the whole machine down. Once this service was stopped the machine continued booting into windows.

The service never seemed to start properly and I am assuming this is only needed if you want to use the full Forefront product with SharePoint.

I have now disabled this service using ‘Services.msc’ and SharePoint 2010 is still working fine. I would recommend anyone with the same issue who is not using Forefront to stop and disable this service from loading.

Hope this helps 🙂

Getting started with Silverlight 3 and SharePoint

12 11 2009

Silverlight Logo Recently I have been focusing on creating some Silverlight charts using the ‘Silverlight Toolkit’ from Codeplex (see the link in the instructions below).

Once I had created my first chart I wondered how to get it to display in SharePoint. It seems there are a number of options for displaying a Silverlight application (xap) in a SharePoint web part.

I found lots of blog posts that described separate bits of configuring I needed to do to get Silverlight working happily in SharePoint. I’ve decided to create a getting started list of what you need to do to get Silverlight installed and how to display your xap file with the built in ‘Content Editor Web Part’. I have linked to other blog posts where necessary.


1. Download and install the Silverlight 3 runtime from –

2. Download and install the Silverlight 3 SDK and tools for Visual Studio from the silverlight site –

3. <Optional> Download and install the Silverlight Toolkit (If you want to use some of these cool and free Silverlight controls) –

4. If you are running Windows Server 2008 you can skip this step as the MIME types should have been automatically added to IIS7 for you. For server 2003 users you will need to add the Silverlight MIME types to IIS6, follow the instructions here –

5. This step involves configuring the web.config files for the SharePoint sites that you wish to run your Silverlight applications in. Follow the instructions on this blog post –

6. Ensure that the assembly System.Web.Silverlight is in the global assembly cache. If not then you can find it at the following location –

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v3.0\Libraries\Server

7. Configuration complete! – now read on to the deployment section


To get your silverlight xap displaying on a SharePoint page follow the steps below. In terms of where to store your .xap file there are a number of places for you to choose. Some people recommend storing it in a folder called ‘ClientBin’ in the IIS virtual directory of the SharePoint web application but I was not able to get this working. I opted for the simplest method which was to store the file in a document library.

1. Upload your Silverlight xap file to a document library

2. Switch to edit mode for your SharePoint page and add a Content Editor Web Part

3. Insert the following HTML code – 

<!–<div width=”600px” height=”100px” id=”silverlightControlHost”>
<object data=”data:application/x-silverlight”, type=”application/x-silverlight-2″ width=”450″ height=”450″>
<param name=”source” value=”
<param name=”onerror” value=”onSilverlightError” />
<param name=”background” value=”white” />
<a href=”″ style=”text-decoration: none;”>
<img src=”″ alt=”Get Microsoft Silverlight” style=”border-style: none”/>
<iframe style=’visibility:hidden;height:0;width:0;border:0px’></iframe>
</div> –>

Remember to remove the comments from the above code and replace the param value=”” with the url to your document library and xap file.

4. Click apply and save the changes to your content editor web part

5. If all went well you should be seeing your Silverlight application displaying correctly!

Note: You may need to play around with the width and height of both the <div> and <object> tags to size them correctly for your Silverlight application.

Good Luck! 🙂

Microsoft Chart Controls for .NET – Error executing child request for ChartImg.axd

3 11 2009

I ran into this error today when attempting to show a web part on a SharePoint site that utilises the .NET 3.5 Chart Controls from MS (See link at the bottom of the post).

When the page opened it bombed out with the above error, some research found the following question on stackoverflow –

To fix this error you need to add the following entry into the <HttpHandlers> section of the web.config file:

<add path="ChartImg.axd" verb="GET,HEAD,POST" type="System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartHttpHandler, System.Web.DataVisualization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" validate="false" />

When I refreshed the page, I received another error – this time it was:

Invalid temp directory in chart handler configuration

If you too get this error then you need to make sure you have the following line in the <appSettings> section of the web.config:

<add key="ChartImageHandler" value="storage=file;timeout=20;dir=c:\TempImageFiles\;" />

Also make sure that the above directory ‘TempImageFiles’ exists on the C: drive or you can change this to any other directory that you like.

Hope this helps! 🙂

Download link for MS Chart Controls:

Pre-register for SharePoint 2010 beta

30 10 2009


In case you haven’t seen this link floating around the web or on twitter yet then here it is:

Simply head over the site and register, you will then be notified as soon as the public beta of SharePoint 2010 becomes available in November 🙂